So I'm off to my first crossfit experience. I heard so many things when I starting to lift weights last year, you'll get bulky, you'll get injured, you'll feel great.
A year later I can say yes, I gained some bulk, in the form of muscles. So now I can lift with my legs properly vs my back, I have strength in my arms vs using my body weight to accomplish tasks. I have better wind and less exhaustion.
I didn't get injured but old injuries resurfaced. Pushing my body through its full ranges of motion only Revealed injuries I already had. Getting those injuries addressed as they appeared was key to preventing back strain and other common training soreness. Making sure my knees, ankles and feet were properly balanced under my pelvis, setting my shoulder blades and keeping my wrists neutral, ensuring my centre of balance was indeed in the centre of my body are invaluable to injury prevention and correction.
If you are starting on a task you haven't done in a while, learning a new task or feeling something show up in your body that hasn't been there before make sure you listen to your body. Its trying to tell you something. We are designed to move, through full ranges of motion, in every direction, without warming up extensively. These are the times to come in and get your body treated. Before the warning signs become full on problems.